Sourcetree Mac Not Working

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  • Resolution: Unresolved
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Clearly its not being tested. The only way to push the key properly - is to add it to the agent via the command line and push it using the terminal ( thats how I managed to get the key working - but defeats the purpose of using sourcetree) I thought I would try again now that I have some time - and its still not working. Sourcetree comes with an SSH authentication agent called Pageant. Load your private key into Pageant to automatically authenticate so that you don't need to enter your passphrase. Double-click the Pageant (PuTTY Authentication Agent) icon in your system tray to open the Pageant Key List dialog. Sourcetree for mac是 Windows 和Mac OS X 下免费的SVN、Git 客户端,同时也是Mercurial和Subversion版本控制系统工具。Sourcetree for mac支持创建、克隆、提交、push、pull 和合并等操作。SourceTree拥有一个精美简洁的界面,大大简化了开发者与代码库之间的Git操作方式,这对于那些不熟悉Git命令的开发者来说非常实用。.

Results in the following error:
viewer? Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.

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Sourcetree Mac Not Working Today

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